A Tree Farm Adventure

So you know that time of year that comes around - the one full of Hallmark moves, hot chocolate and magic. That feel good time of year. Yes, you know the one I'm talking about -Christmas!

The best Hallmark involves some kind of romance in a tree farm or bakery, one they are trying to save and end up on a snow filled street in the middle of a small town falling in love. You know the one.

Well, I can't give you the snow, but I can give you the magic of a tree farm.

Transport your family to your very own Hallmark move & Christmas Tree Farm. The one all nestled within 15 minutes from Katy at Dewberry Farm.

When you book a session with me I will walk you through until the very end. We will work on styling together, how to prepare and the viewing of your gallery. I am excited to meet your family!

Book your Tree Farm session - Here!